克里斯·卡朋特,男.D., 斯蒂芬·夏普,临时院长, OUWB, 采访主持人乔伊·所罗门和凯特琳·派兹, 在12月11日举行的OUWB家庭之夜. 2, 2023.

Spirits were high on Saturday when about 200 members of the OUWB community gathered for a first-of-its-kind event that brought together 校友, 学生, 家庭及其他.

The OUWB Family Night was held at Meadow Brook Hall in conjunction with the venue’s Winter Wonder Lights, which bills itself as “Michigan’s most dazzling outdoor event and holiday light show.”

Participants in the OUWB event gathered for a reception in the hall to connect and enjoy refreshments before taking advantage of the opportunity to explore the grounds of the National Historic Landmark at its most festive.

Speakers at the reception were 十大菠菜台子校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨,M.D.临时院长克里斯·卡彭特,M.D., OUWB.


“Our medical 学生 will be challenged in school and throughout the rest of their careers,他说. “他们需要身边有支持他们的人, 不仅仅是家庭, 但同学们, 教师, 和工作人员.”

“At an event like this especially, it’s easy to feel that kind of support,” he added.

Pescovitz thanked everyone for bringing their loved ones to what she called a “wonderful family experience.”



“各位校友,欢迎你们回来,”她说. “To those of you who are current 学生, thank you for being our 学生. We are so appreciative that you chose OUWB as your medical school.”

校友,如M . Stephanie Goike.D.和他们的家人一起出席了会议. Goike is an emergency medicine physician at Corewell健康 Beaumont Hospital in Troy, 牛津大学的急诊医学助理教授, 担任特洛伊OUWB的网站总监, and is a mentor for members of the OUWB Class of 2024 through the school’s 棱镜 program. 

She attended family night with her husband, Joe, and two children who are three and six.

她说:“我们就是喜欢这个好社区。. “We love that we can continue to be a part of it and grow with it as 校友 and members of 教师…it just really speaks to the care that we have for each other as a community.”

Matthew Drogowski, m.m.D.他的妻子阿曼达(Amanda)也出席了仪式. Drogowski is an emergency medicine physician at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak, 也是公开大学校友分会主席.

“社区 is what draws many people here and (family night) really speaks to the med school’s sense of community and commitment to it,他说. “I see everyone from first- and second-year med 学生 to charter class 校友 here…it’s just awesome to see this sense of community.”


杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D., former Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, holds one of his grandchildren while talking with Jon Chapman, M.D.他和他的家人.

Second-year medical student Ethan Dimock attended and called it a great opportunity to explore the “beautiful landmark.” The fact that he could do so with his family made it that much better, he added.

“The family aspect is something that’s integral to OUWB…not just with our immediate families but the family we have as classmates,他说. “我们一起经历起起伏伏, and the ability to enjoy something fun like this is a great opportunity.”

整个晚上, families and friends of OUWB mingled and could be heard talking about everything from football and plans for the holidays to how much pride and joy they have in seeing their loved ones find success at the school.

Daria Majewski, sister of M2 Joey Solomon, said she was honored to be part of the event.

“I know he has absolutely loved his experience at OUWB because it’s helping him become a better person in preparation for being a physician who really cares about the whole patient,”她说。.

事件 like the family night help her see firsthand how OUWB cares about the members of its community.

M1 Kaelin Ray的母亲Janis Ray也表达了类似的感受.

“(Family night) is a great community builder, and a good way to get families together,”她说。. “It’s a good opportunity to meet parents of other 学生…it was also really nice to meet President Pescovitz.”


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Christina Rockwell was among a group of 10 family members that 杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D.奥布尔商学院前院长,带来了这次活动. 洛克威尔是他的一个女儿.

“It’s nice to be able to come back and engage with all of his friends and family here at the university,”她说。. “We’re having a ton of fun…it says a lot about the school that it has an event like this.”


伯克利·布朗博士.D., associate dean, Student Affairs, said the event was one that “really highlights our values.”

“We often talk about how much we are a family and how much we are a community,”她说。. “举办一场活动,让我们的学生聚集在一起, 校友, 他们所爱的人培养了他们的归属感. 这就是像这样的活动的特别之处.”

Claus Weimann, senior director, Philanthropy, OUWB, called it “an ideal match for OUWB.”

“It provided a unique opportunity to not only engage our young base of 校友, 但也要为他们创造一个快乐的空间, 他们的家庭, and friends to celebrate the collective achievements of our OUWB community,他说.

约旦纳什, 发展副, OUWB, said he “couldn’t be more thrilled” at how things turned out for the evening.

“我们的许多校友现在都有了自己的家庭, and it was incredibly heartwarming to witness them come together during the event,他说. “It truly emphasized the sense of community and connection within the extended OUWB family.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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